Why are flags at half mast
Half Staff American Flag Notifications UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Half Staff Flag Status. Embed flag status updates on your website or blog. It started as a maritime custom (hence the related phrase). Half-Staff Alerts - American Flags Express m will provide you with an notification when your. Memorial Day, which is observed on the last Monday of May, commemorates the men and women who died while in the military service. Former Marine Fired For Lowering Flag To Half-Staff On. In observance of the holiday, display the United States flag at Half Staff from sunrise until Noon. When Charlotte veteran Allen Thornwell lowered his employer s American flag to half-staff on Memorial Day, he says he did not think to ask. Obama has lowered flags to half-staff more often than any president in history. American flag should be flown at half-staff in accordance to Presidential proclamations. Office of the Governor - Greg Abbott - Texas Flag Status The Texas flag is at full-staff today, Friday, ...